
This weekend Perfect form fitness training has a courageous team of six entering STAMPEDE!!

Our team (Perfect formula) will run through mud, fire and feilds of live electric wires, climb over buses, jump into ice pools, crawl through dark muddy tunnels, slide down massive slip 'n' slides, rope swing over creeks and much more over the challenging 10km course.

This event will challenge all our members in every way with those focussed on strength training, cardio fitness, boxing, bootcamps and general fitness all getting put through their paces.



Personal trainer/Bootcamps

Alexandra Hills

Update on September 19, 2012 by ash

Wow!! Stampede was so much fun!! EVERYONE HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!!!

Our team of six unfortunately got cut down to four due to a couple of team members struck down by injury. (next time guys:)). 

 The four remaining team members flew through the obstacles with ease and kept the run at a good pace the entire time, they were unstoppable!!-Good work Coral, Sarah, Azza and Ash!!

Saul Edmonds

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